Treatments at Quinta da Calma
At Quinta da Calma you will find a wide range of treatments and therapies, all with fully-qualified, experienced therapists. Some of our massages may be considered pure pampering and relaxing. Other treatments are designed to help with specific problems or ailments. Our massage menu embraces Ayurvedic, Relaxation and Foot Reflexology, for instance, while you can also enjoy Reiki and Aura Reading. For those who want to give up smoking, Hypnotherapy could be the answer. To book any of our treatments, contact us by phone, email or by the Enquire form.
Please note that you can make payments by cash only. If you miss your appointment or cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice, we will charge you the total cost of the treatment.
Massages & Other Body Therapies | Massagens e Outras Terapias de Corpo
Therapeutic & Relaxation Massage | Massagem Terapêutica e de Relaxamento
Therapeutic Deep Tissue – Full Body Massage. | Massagem de corpo inteiro
Therapists | Terapeutas: Eleine Lachance | Daniela Claro
Manual Lymphatic Drainage | Drenagem Linfática Manual
This treatment uses a specific amount of pressure and rhythmic circular movements to stimulate lymph flow. | Este tratamento usa pressão específica e movimentos circulares rítmicos para estimular a circulação linfática.
Therapist: Daniela Claro |
Foot Reflexology | Reflexologia dos pés
Massage of the reflex areas on the feet, creating a stimulation on other parts of the body, thus benefiting the whole organism. | Massagem das áreas de reflexos nos pés, estimulando outras partes do corpo e assim beneficiando todo o organismo
Therapists: Eleine Lachance | Ivone Sousa | Daniela Claro
Upledger Cranio-Sacral Therapy | Terapia Crânio-Sacral de Upledger
Gentle method to correct tissue adhesions and organ dysfunctions | Método suave de corrigir adesões de tecidos e disfunções de orgãos
Therapists: Eleine Lachance | Daniela Claro
Thai Massage (on the futon) | Massagem Tailandesa
Combines rhythmic massage, acupressure, yogic postures, gentle twisting, energy work and meditation. | Combina massagem rítmica, acupressão, posturas yôgicas, torções suaves, trabalho energético e meditação.
Therapists: Daniela Claro
Ayurvedic Massage | Massagem Ayurvédica
Is one of the oldest and most complete natural techniques for restoring physical and psychic balance. | Uma das mais antigas e completas técnicas naturais para restaurar o equilíbrio físico e mental.
Therapists: Daniela Claro |
Indian Head Massage| Massagem da Cabeça Indiana
Therapeutic massage of the Head, Neck, Shoulders & Face. | Massagem terapêutica da cabeça, pescoço, ombros e face.
Therapists: Daniela Claro
Namikoshi Shiatsu & Moxabustion | Shiatsu Namikoshi & Moxabustão
Japanese acupressure and heat treatment. | Terapia japonesa à base de acupressão e tratamento de calor
Therapists: Eleine Lachance
Bowen Therapy | Terapia de Bowen
Manual therapy where the least amount of Body Work is used to help the body realign itself. | Terapia Manual onde uma intervenção minimalista no corpo é usada para ajuar a realinhnar o corpo.
Therapists: Eleine Lachance
Energetic & Personal Development Treatments | Terapias Energéticas e de Desenvolvimento Pessoal
Energy flow through the hands promoting spiritual healing.
Therapist: Ivone Sousa | Daniela Claro
Hypnotherapy | Hipnoterapia
This treatment uses an altered state of Consciousness for Therapeutic purposes. | Este tratamento usa um estado de consciência alterado para propósitos terapêuticos
Therapist: Ivone Sousa
Aura Reading | Leitura de Aura
Allows you to assess and identify energy in the auric field and how it is affecting Relationships, Children, Projects and Work. | Permite avaliar e identificar a energia da Aura e como esta afeta as relações, filhos, projetos e trabalho.
Therapist: Francisco Martins
Regression (Past Life Therapy) | Regressão (Terapia de Vidas Passadas)
Allows access to the Inter-life period and reminisce about the Life Lesson helping to understand the current life mission. | Permite aceder ao período entre-vidas e relembrar a Lição de Vida, ajudando a compreender a missão de vida atual.
Therapist: Ivone Sousa